Lisa M. Griffin Illustration & Design

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How the power of small wins can help you achieve a big goal.

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When I decided to pursue a career as a freelance artist, I was a new mom with one client. The “why” behind taking the leap and leaving a 40+ work week as a senior designer, was the desire to have more flexibility in my creative career and time at home with my family.

There were many steps between me and my goal of being a successful freelancer. I felt overwhelmed and was unsure about where to begin. Since I was the mom of a newborn, with limited free time (and energy), I decided to start small. My plan was simple - keep my client very, very, happy, and find new clients.

Don't focus on where you are now.
Focus on daily progress and where it will lead you.

I had almost no money for advertising since my modest budget had been consumed by a fax machine, computer, and art supplies. My pursuit of a freelance career began before Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, which means there was no social sharing to assist me in getting the word out. Instead, I made a list of people (past employers, vendors, friends) to contact in the hopes of finding leads. Each morning, I would email a few people on my list to inquire about submissions and/or contract assignments. Once I had contacted everyone on my list, I went to the library to do more research. It was at the library, with my baby in tow, that I discovered a copy of the Artist's & Graphic Designer's Market. I spent the morning pouring over that resource, taking notes, and writing down contacts. What began as a list of 20 names had grown to more than 150. Since I didn’t have email addresses for everyone, I would call to inquire about assignments. Over time, some of those messages led to more phone calls and meetings. Within a couple of months, I landed a few projects. Those early projects were not always big or exciting, but I treated them like they were. I delivered results on-time, I responded to requests and questions promptly, I worked hard to over-deliver and prove my value. Those early projects led to repeat work and more referrals. Quite simply, that is how my freelance career officially began. One happy client, a determined sleep-deprived mom, and a plan. No social media, no big budget, no elaborate marketing plan. Pen to paper, research, and polite inquiries. A series of small, daily steps, that helped me tackle a big goal.

Progress is progress no matter how small it seems.

If you are trying to achieve a large goal, I would suggest that you have a plan in mind and then begin to track your daily progress.

Ask yourself this question: “What went well today?”

Write down the answer to that question in a journal, day planner, or on Trello - these are your daily wins. If you can't think of one, try again... find the "hidden wins" in your day. Did you take care of yourself during a stressful moment? Did you decide to try again tomorrow? Did you make your bed? Win, win, win!

When you're feeling discouraged, look back over those notes so you can see the progress you've made. I like to keep a folder with client emails inside. These messages remind me of the projects, praise, and successes that I have been a part of. It's easy to set a goal but it takes plenty of strength and determination to keep at it every day. Having some positive reminders handy will help you through the days when you aren't feeling encouraged or motivated. If you’re feeling particularly unmotivated or creatively stuck, grab this helpful freebie to get you back into a happy creative groove.

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A little progress each day adds up to big results.

Don't lose track of why you set this goal, to begin with. Having a meaningful goal is important. It's the push that starts the ball rolling. Once you are on a roll, you feel unstoppable - your energy is humming and you'll be more motivated in your pursuit. Make sure you are crystal clear on the WHY behind your BIG GOAL. What do you want to achieve? Is it a meaningful pursuit? How can you break down your goal into small "bite-size portions"? Use that information to create a plan that focuses on small tasks. Taking daily steps leads to small wins — and those wins prove that you’re capable of achieving your big goal.

When setbacks happen and you feel discouraged, remember:

  • Have a positive mindset. Find those hidden wins.

  • Call to mind the WHY behind your goal.

  • Focus on the day-to-day

  • Understand that failing is part of the process - nobody is perfect - dust off and keep going.

  • Track your progress and review how far you’ve already come.

I know that a new goal can be overwhelming and scary. Try to fixate on the smaller tasks instead of being discouraged by a big, lofty goal. Those small wins feel mighty good along the way - they are the necessary resource that will keep you inspired and motivated as you pursue your goal.

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"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work." -Stephen King

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