Marketing Yourself: Tips on Getting Clients

I understand that some folks think marketing feels “icky”. Try to embrace the fact that marketing is part of being a freelancer (or entrepreneur). Marketing your services and finding new clients can be frustrating, but with the right frame of mind, it’s easier to discover what feels natural and works best for you.

Market on your terms using your strengths and interests, so that it becomes a happy part of your business instead of a drag.

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What to do during Quiet Times as a Freelancer

As a freelancer you will need to navigate both busy and quiet business periods. Knowing how to deal with these extremes in your freelance business, will help you become a more confident freelancer. Because bottom line, you don’t have to stop when business is slow. By staying productive you will be better prepared for new opportunities when they arise.

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The benefits of two besties: Instagram & Pinterest

As a freelancer, I’m part artist, office manager, marketer, and CEO all rolled into one tidy (messy buns are kinda tidy) human. Managing these roles comes down to practice, productive scheduling and helpful platforms. Which is why my marketing efforts focus on my two besties: Instagram & Pinterest.

Like any friendship we have our ups & downs... talking to you IG and that pesky algorithm. But what relationship doesn’t have a few quirks? Instead of choosing one over the other, I found them to be equally helpful, in significant ways.

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